Multiple People Assigned to row
When multiple people are assigned to a project in a row, on a test, only one person can update the row and others receive an error. They receive the following error on the update request email. Is the expected outcome is only one person can update the row? Should the "Update Request" allow the sending to all people on the…
How to keep cell unchanged in status column
Hi, I'd like to do the following IF([Done]@row=1,"Complete),IF([Target Date]@row<14, "On Deck",<leave unchanged>) Is the whole concept of leave unchanged an option? Because I'd like to keep the default that a person selected as the status, unless it's for an item that's complete as indicated by the checkbox in Done, or…
Formula for Length of Day
I need to get the "Length of Day" that is set in Settings so that I can perform some time calculations on the Length of the Day set for the project. Is there a way to derive this?
Edit Column/Row Without Triggering the "Last Modified" Cell
Hi there, I`m trying to create a color code that shows the tows update status. I came up with this formula: =IF(ABS(Modified1 - TODAY()) > 30, IF(ABS(TODAY() - Modified1) > 90, "Red", "Yellow"), "Green") the formula works fine, but if I start working on a new row, I want the color code to be applied automatically, which…
Track changes in Dashboards
Hi, Provided that I am "viewer" to a Dashboard item, any way I can track changes to the Dashboard(including the attached Sheet, attached files, attached item,etc)? Thanks. Ben
Hyperlinks not exporting
I am trying to export my smartsheet to excel and whenever I do this, all the hyperlinks are gone and I have to enter the hyperlinks again manually in the generated excel spreadsheet. I tried exporting to google docs and the same issue. Hyperlinks are not exporting. Why? Please assist. When I tried to log into the…
Any workaround if database exceeds 5000 rows and need vlookup function from other sheets
If I need a database page where other sheets can pull information from it, to standardise data input, but having the following criteria/situation: 1) database page will keep information for 1 year (database = employee data) 2) will exceeds 5000 rows / 25,000 cells within the 1 year duration 3) cannot move row away as other…
Overwriting lines
We are currently having issues with lines being overwritten when more than one team member is entering information into a sheet at the same time. Anyone else experiencing these issues?
Work Orders
Been using Smartsheets for over a year with just some basic tracking sheets and task lists to share. Ready to make the jump into more complex sheets. I have 18 warehouse facilities across the country and trying to come up with a sheet to track the numerous work orders that come through my office. Was thinking of creating a…
Mark duplicate with cell linking
Hello! I am trying to check my helper column if a certain column contains any of the same amounts as in multiple columns in a sep sheet. I tried cell reference in place of [Column Name]@row but it isn't working... any help here? =IF(COUNTIF([Column Name]:[Column Name], [Column Name]@row) > 1, 1)