I have a first sheet name 'customer contact' On other sheet name 'report' where I use the customer contact list to make a dropdown list. My question : It is possible to refresh automatically the drowpdown list when I add a new contact in the sheet customer contact? Thanks per advance for your time and support. Best regards.
I have my sheets set up where each row represents a project and respective information. I have a column in each that can be changed to a department heading and I have an automation set up to make it so that when changed the rows move to the department sheet selected in the drop down box. Now, I have 6 sheets with basically…
Hi, Why as an Admin, I can't edit dashboard and to add more widgets or edit sheets? I don't like to be in a box because Cloud Platforms such as Smart Sheet should increase our efficiencies! Thank you, Matt
Hi I am trying to set up a cell that automatically set a word in a cell depending on what the due date is. If date is less than today's date "overdue" will be added to cell, If date is more that today's date "on track will be added, If there is no date, I would like the word "on hold" to be added. Not sure were I am going…
I am trying to count the number of times a specific schedule date is listed in a column for a sheet, not able to narrow down the formula exactly
Hi, We're about to implement a new EMR system at our clinic system. Was wondering if anyone else has done this with Smartsheet. Would like to hear about lessons learned, how you used Smartsheet etc. Thanks! Linda
Hi, i am trying to create a workflow for more than one column. I want to use the same exact condition for multiple column at the time. I have over 20 column so it would be long to create 20 workflow that basically do the same thing. Is that possible? Same problem with conditionnal formating. Thanks for your help.
I have been trying to create an automated workflow that triggers an email to the assigned to person when the Due Date field is not completed. I have tried different intervals, but it still isn't working. I have checked the permission settings and Personal settings. I appreciate any assistance.
Is there a way to retain email messages as comments, when they are sent directly from a row in Smartsheet? If not, this would be a great addition.
Hi! Can I use a Sheet Summary Report to drive a Metric widget? I have 25 project sheets that I would like to roll-up into a sheet summary report. I would then like to create dashboard metric widgets using this data. I am currently driving the metric widgets off of the individual sheets, but this is getting cumbersome as we…
Hi Everyone, I would like to create a weekly trivia game for my team members and my thought was to use a form to populate answers to the sheet. However, I don't want them to be able to see what other people wrote. I thought about using DynamicView to allow only view access by user, but I'm wondering if I can be more…
I've had a case open for like three weeks now with nothing but the initial autoresponder response saying Smartsheet would get back to me as soon as possible. I've replied a couple times to try and get a response with no luck. After two weeks, I also tried contacting Sales and one of the random Smartsheet marketing email…
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