Show Last Non-Blank Text Cell in Row

Hi Everyone,

Hoping you can help because I'm stumped.

In the 'Most Recent/Current Project' column pictured below I am trying to add a formula that will show the text within right most cell that is not blank.

I've tried two methods that work in Excel, but the formulas don't seem to be usable in SmartSheet.

In Excel, I've used both formulas below with success.



I've see several posts about similar questions in this community but they seemed to be related to finding numerical values or dates, not text which is what I need. But if I have missed one I apologize and please point me in the right direction!

Any help would be appreciated!



Best Answer

  • sharkasits
    sharkasits ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Nrob14 I haven't tested this... but I think it should work if you replace the names of the columns.

    =index(collect([<<first column>>]@row:[<<last colmun>>]@row, <<first column>>]@row:[<<last colmun>>]@row, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))),count(collect([<<first column>>]@row:[<<last colmun>>]@row, <<first column>>]@row:[<<last colmun>>]@row, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)))))


  • sharkasits
    sharkasits ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Nrob14 I haven't tested this... but I think it should work if you replace the names of the columns.

    =index(collect([<<first column>>]@row:[<<last colmun>>]@row, <<first column>>]@row:[<<last colmun>>]@row, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))),count(collect([<<first column>>]@row:[<<last colmun>>]@row, <<first column>>]@row:[<<last colmun>>]@row, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)))))

  • Nrob14
    Nrob14 ✭✭

    That worked!!

    Thank you so much!

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