Salary Formula ( Calculation of Basic and commission)

Hi ,

I need formula for (Net Salary) col as follow :

To Count the sum in Col (Basic Salary)

Plus sum of 15% for amounts equal/less than 600 and sum of 25% for amounts more than 600) of the number in Col (Total Income)

We Pay our Employee (ex. sales man) salary with compensation of basic salary PLUS markup commission as follow:

  1. Basic salary (Ex . fixed amount 100, 150 etc)
  2. Plus, 15% for all incomes equal to 600 and less
  3. Plus, 25% for all amounts more than 600

Examples as in attachment: The employee Amanda salary is (365) as her sales amount is 1300 which is counted as follow:

Basic (100) , Plus 15% for amount 600 (which is 90) and plus 25% for amounts above 600 (which is 175)

Can we have formula for this 🙄


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