JOIN COLLECT with OR criterion?


Hello community,

I am trying to put together a JOIN COLLECT formula with a criterion whose range is a multi-select dropdown menu. Right now the formula is working when only one is selected from the menu.

=JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, Regions@row), ", ")

How can I adjust the formula to pull from the source sheet when any of the regions are selected?

For example, right now it will work when the criterion range has Region X selected, but not when it has both Region X and Region Y selected. I want it to populate the cell from the source sheet with results from both Region X and Region Y. In the source sheet, the Region column is a single-select dropdown.

Thank you for any guidance you can provide!


Best Answers

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers
    edited 03/23/23 Answer ✓

    @LizTo Okay, try this...

    make it a multi select drop down to remove duplicates.

    =IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Communications"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Communications")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "ERC"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "ERC")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Finance"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Finance")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "HR"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "HR")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Logistics"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Logistics")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Planning"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Planning")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Programs"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Programs")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "REC"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "REC")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Safety & Security"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Safety & Security")), char(10)), "")

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers
    Answer ✓


  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers

    @LizTo try adding a "contains" method to your formula

    =JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, contains(Regions@row, @cell)), ", ")

    Let me know if that works.

  • LizTo
    LizTo ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Samuel Mueller , thank you so much. Unfortunately, that didn't work for me. It's still only pulling results if I have only one region selected, but not if multiple are selected.

  • LizTo
    LizTo ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Samuel Mueller I think I got it to work using HAS instead of CONTAINS.

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers

    @LizTo sounds good! the contains function should have worked that's odd but I'm glad you found a solution!

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers

    Never mind I think I was thinking of your solution backwards. I thought {Region} was the multi select column

  • LizTo
    LizTo ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Samuel Mueller My original question could have been clearer. And your response still led me to a working solution, so thank you!

  • LizTo
    LizTo ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Samuel Mueller

    I'm still having a hard time with this formula and can't figure it out. In the source sheet, Region is a single-select and Positions is a multi-select. In the sheet where I want to use this formula, Regions is a multi-select and Positions is also a multi select.

    This is the formula that I am currently using,

    =JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(Positions@row, @cell)), ", ")

    but the problem is that it's only showing people who have all the same exact ERT Functions selected, whereas I want them to show up if there is any overlap at all between what they have selected in the source sheet and what is indicated in the second sheet.

    For example, Sample Person might be able to do the functions of Communications, Planning, or Logistics.

    We might be looking for people who can do Programs, Logistics, OR Security. In that case, Sample Person should show up since Logistics is a match. Instead, the formula is only pulling people who can do Programs, Logistics, AND Security.

    I've tried using CONTAINS instead and it's not working either.

    Is this possible?

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers
    edited 03/21/23

    @LizTo How many ERT functions are we talking?

    I'm asking because you may need a series of formulas. something like...

    =JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("Communications", @cell)), ", ") + ", " + JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("Planning", @cell)), ", ")

  • LizTo
    LizTo ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Samuel Mueller ,

    There are nine different options in that dropdown menu:









    Safety & Security

    But in each row, it's unlikely that all nine will be selected. The selected options will vary per row.

    Would that still work using the series of formulas like in your example above?

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers

    @LizTo Copy and paste all the below into a cell and see what you get. Hopefully no errors :)

    =JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("Communications", @cell)), ", ") + ", "

    + JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("Planning", @cell)), ", ") + ", "

    + JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("ERC", @cell)), ", ") + ", "

    + JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("Finance", @cell)), ", ") + ", "

    + JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("HR", @cell)), ", ") + ", "

    + JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("Logistics", @cell)), ", ") + ", "

    + JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("Programs", @cell)), ", ") + ", "

    + JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("REC", @cell)), ", ") + ", "

    + JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {Status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, has("Safety & Security", @cell)), ", ")

  • LizTo
    LizTo ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Samuel Mueller

    Thank you!

    I've been comparing the results I get from that formula to using a filter on the source sheet to see if the responses match, which they should.

    Unfortunately, it's giving me some extra names that shouldn't be there and is missing some other names. I haven't figured out the pattern after playing with several examples so I don't know exactly what the problem is yet.

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers

    Can you send some screenshots?

  • LizTo
    LizTo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/22/23

    @Samuel Mueller

    Here are the relevant columns from the source sheet:

    I am trying to join collect the Email(s) from this source sheet (colorful columns above), based on the Status, Region, and ERT Functions, into this new sheet (white screenshot below). The "ERT contacts" column is where the formula is going and it's pulling in the email address from the source sheet. I want to end up with a list of email addresses that are filtered based on the status (always Active), Regions, and Positions. I don't know if this is just a question of the formula, or if I need to structure the data or columns in a different way, too.

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers
    edited 03/23/23
  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers
    edited 03/23/23 Answer ✓

    @LizTo Okay, try this...

    make it a multi select drop down to remove duplicates.

    =IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Communications"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Communications")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "ERC"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "ERC")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Finance"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Finance")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "HR"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "HR")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Logistics"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Logistics")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Planning"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Planning")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Programs"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Programs")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "REC"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "REC")), char(10)), "")

    +char(10)+IF(HAS(Positions@row, "Safety & Security"), JOIN(COLLECT({ERT Emails}, {status}, "Active", {Region}, HAS(Regions@row, @cell), {ERT Functions}, HAS(@cell, "Safety & Security")), char(10)), "")

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