Average calculation from overall ratings

Hi All, I'm trying to calculate average of these rating in Average column excluding "NA",

for example if "NA" is applied in any column the formula should exclude that column and calculate for the remaining columns.

Please help me with the formula.


Best Answer

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Domnic Victor ,

    This formula should do it for you:

    =AVG([Domain Knowledge]@row:[Overall rating of the engagement]@row)

    The NAs will already be excluded in the average:

    One caveat: from your screenshot it looks like there are possibly some hidden columns between "Timely Delivery" and "Alignment..." so I would suggest moving these to one side or the other of the columns you're trying to average so they are not included.

    Hope this helps - any questions etc. then just post! 😊


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