How to fix this issue i am getting with Sum and trying to add a qty based on a budget number

I want to sum a number of quantities based on a criteria that checks the budget number to the row in the purchase request sheet that has the same budget number to then add all those quantities up in a cell in the budget so this way Each budget line that is used in a purchase request the qty of how many items purchased is automatically added into the budget to see how much we have left to spend from that budget line


Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Cole Frank

    If you have different columns that could have different information on the same row, you'll want to create multiple SUMIFS statements for each pairing and add those together with the + symbol like above:

    =SUMIFS({QTY 1 Column}, {Budget Number Column 1}, [EBN/PO]@row) + SUMIFS({QTY 2 Column}, {Budget Number Column 2}, [EBN/PO]@row)

    Does that make sense?

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