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Data and hours in the latest comment column

Good morning,

in my opinion it would be usefull to have the opportunity to consult data\hours in the latest comment column directly in the cell! I mean the data\hours of last insert in chat

1 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson Community Champion


    That's a cool idea. One way to replicate that would be to add an automated Date Stamp column to work off the Latest Comment column. You could even concatenate the columns into one and hide the first two. It wouldn't have the time or be able to be red font but we're getting closer.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Hi Matt,

    thanks for your answear it's a good idea, hoping this will be develop in the future avoiding this trick!


  • Hi,

    there's a little problem in this solution, if the comment is delated in the concatenate column remain with only the data, furthermore in this way I obtained only the data not the hour:

    Actually I used an automation, is possible to obtain data\hour by a formula?
