Formula Issue

I am trying to write a formula to return the following: If Column A is not this, and Column B is this, return the result in Column B in Column C. Does anyone have advice? I think it should be fairly simply but I keep getting the unparsable message. Thank you in advance!


Best Answer

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Michelle Martinelli ,

    I think this will do what you're after for column C:

    =IF(AND(A@row <> "X", B@row = "X"), "X")

    Obviously you can substitute something in place of X if it's a fixed value or change the formula slightly to be mathematical (more than, less than, etc.).

    If you have more specifics then I can help with the formula, or if not hopefully this is a good starting point for your solution. Any questions etc. then just post! 😊


  • I'm no expert, but I'm guessing something like this:

    = If (([column A@row] /= x) + ([column B@row] = y), "[column B@row]", blank)

    Not sure if you have to put in something specific for the then half or just leave a , and a space. That probably doesn't work, but I think it's sort of the right direction for your formula.

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Michelle Martinelli ,

    I think this will do what you're after for column C:

    =IF(AND(A@row <> "X", B@row = "X"), "X")

    Obviously you can substitute something in place of X if it's a fixed value or change the formula slightly to be mathematical (more than, less than, etc.).

    If you have more specifics then I can help with the formula, or if not hopefully this is a good starting point for your solution. Any questions etc. then just post! 😊

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