Data Shuttle not updating with all data

LWright ✭✭✭
edited 03/10/23 in Add Ons and Integrations

I have created a Data Shuttle upload, with no filters, to replace rows on my Smartsheet destination sheet. I discovered that all rows were not being added to the destination sheet. Debugging narrowed the problem down to the contents of one column. In Smartsheet, the column is formatted as Text/Number.

In Excel for testing, I created a small test file and formatted the column as Number, as Text, and I have even added an apostrophe to the beginning. When uploaded with Data Shuttle, the highlighted row is not copied; the other rows are copied. Here is my sample Excel file:

These values will NOT be used as numbers for calculations. I thought that, at the very least, adding the apostrophe would force Smartsheet to consider it as a string. What am I missing?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @LWright

    Have you tried adjusting the column format in the mapping of the workflow to be Text, like so:

    The number you have showing is too many characters to be seen as numerical in Smartsheet. When I mapped the same data into a "Number" column, that one value was still brought in, but was automatically seen as text.

    If adjusting the column type to text hasn't helped, would you be able to post screen captures of your workflow set-up? I'd like to see if I can replicate this.



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  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @LWright

    Have you tried adjusting the column format in the mapping of the workflow to be Text, like so:

    The number you have showing is too many characters to be seen as numerical in Smartsheet. When I mapped the same data into a "Number" column, that one value was still brought in, but was automatically seen as text.

    If adjusting the column type to text hasn't helped, would you be able to post screen captures of your workflow set-up? I'd like to see if I can replicate this.



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    こんにちは (Konnichiwa), Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, Olá, Ciao! 👋 | Global Discussions

  • LWright
    LWright ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the pointer, Genevieve.

    I didn't know about the Column type in Data Shuttle -- by default (at least for me), it was collapsed/hidden. I'm just getting my feet wet with Data Shuttle and have a lot to learn! When I changed to type "Text", as you indicated, all values were copied to my target sheet as expected! Thanks again.

  • No problem! I'm glad that the setting worked for you 🙂

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    こんにちは (Konnichiwa), Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, Olá, Ciao! 👋 | Global Discussions

  • I'm having this issue as well and completely confused. I can import my source data into a new grid - all the lines come in. But when the workflow runs to update the sheet, it is skipping the first 2900 rows of data - I'm not sure why or what is causing that breakpoint in the import.

    I've used the workflow in the past without issue - but this week it stopped working, or is only working in part. I need help.

  • Hey @Mark King

    The first thing I'd do is in this instance is check the Data Shuttle workflow set-up to ensure that I have the Workflow Action settings (in the Target tab) configured to Replace all rows, versus updating and adding rows:

    If that's correct, then the next step is to check your Filters to ensure you're not accidentally filtering out rows that you want to include.

    Then similar to the situation above, on the Mapping tab I would double check the values in the columns of my source sheet to see if any of them are input differently. The column type may need to be set up correctly so it recognizes the data you're looking to import.

    A final thing to check is to ensure that all the data is on the same tab of the file you're importing.

    If all of this is set up correctly, try setting up the exact same workflow on a new, blank sheet and see if Data Shuttle works correctly on the new sheet.

    Let me know if any of this helped!



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    こんにちは (Konnichiwa), Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, Olá, Ciao! 👋 | Global Discussions

  • Thanks Genevieve!

    I have opened a ticket - I've tried all the above. THe sheet is set to replace, no filters, all mapping is the same. What is weird is that the first 2966 lines don't go in - but the last 3450 lines go in. There isn't a noticeable or reasonable distinction at that point in the base data.

    They are all in the same Tab - this is the weird part - I have it set to run when I attach the file to a line in another grid - so I attach the file - it runs on attachment, it automatically goes and updates the other grid - it has worked flawlessly.

    If I go to that line and open the file attached there - all the lines are present.

    If I import the same source file into a new grid in smartsheet - all the lines come in. So in other instances smartsheet sees it and can pull it in - but for some reason on this one grid - it's not working. No error of a cell limitation or size limitation. Says it runs successfully.

    I rebuilt a second automation to see if something went wonky with the first - and the exact number of lines came in - 3450 - at the same exact breakpoint.

    I think there is soemthing wrong with my actual grid the data is being dumped into and I'm not sure what it could be. Which is brutal because I have a lot of helper columns that helps drive a lot of other automations

  • I am having the exact same issues as what Mark mention.

    While i've try all sort of possible workaround but around half of the row is missing. It has been working without issues before last Friday.

  • D Engledow
    D Engledow ✭✭
    edited 12/12/23

    I'm actually having the exact same issue. I was on pto last week but everything was uploading fine on Dec 5. I ran the data shuttle again the morning of Dec 11 and that's when rows and rows and rows of data went missing. Everything is on the source excel file, but data shuttle is not uploading entire rows to the target SS. I've done this data shuttle every morning for a few months now and its been working fine and nothing has changed. I submitted a SS ticket so we'll see what happens.

  • Hi @Mark King

    Thank you for all of this detail and for opening a support ticket - thank you @Pei Ling and @D Engledow for confirming you're experiencing the same thing.

    Because of your reports, we are investigating Data Shuttle intermittently syncing or only pulling in specific rows and not the entire source document. You can subscribe to updates on our investigation from the Status page, here:

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  • Thanks @Genevieve P.

    Whatever internal fix was applied has worked for my report. It worked correctly last night and this morning.

  • Thank you for confirming!

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