Modified Date and Modified By Issue

Looking for some assistance, I am using the Modified Date and Modified By columns (and Latest Comment) on my sheet however I'm having an issue at the moment when someone is adding a comment to the row in the Conversations section, however its not updating the Modified columns?

Any reason why this may happen?


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 03/15/23

    Hi @Angela Logie

    If you have the Latest Comment column in your sheet, then this should be updating as new comments are added (which will then update your Modified Date value)

    It's expected that a comment on its own would not update a Modified Date cell because it's not changing any of the information in the row itself.

    However the Latest Comment Column should create that change/update to the row, which will then update your date (see: Add a latest comment column).

    Can you double check that Latest Comment column to ensure it's configured correctly, and that it hasn't been accidentally changed to a different type?

