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Enhancement request - smarter autofill for dropdown menus

April Vomfell
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

In a column using a dropdown list of options, it would be great if autofill was smarter - specifically, if it would suggest options based on any word in the list of options, not just the first word.

For example:

Typing "West" should bring up options like "Broadway Street West" or "Northwest Broadway" not just "West Broadway."

Has anyone made this work in another way?


  • Hi April—

    Currently, dropdown list columns only allow for one option to be selected. Due to this, we don't want to confuse people by giving them the impression that more than one choice can be selected. Our Product team is working on a multi-select dropdown feature but I don't have an ETA on that. I'm picturing that this would be the behavior once that feature has been implemented.

    When you have a moment, please submit your idea directly to our Product team using the Product Enhancement Request form under Quick links on the right of the community site.

  • April Vomfell
    edited 06/14/17

    Hi Shaine,

    Thanks for the reply. I wouldn't see this allowing for multiple options to be selected, but as a way to suggest options based on any word in the dropdown item, instead of just the first word.

    To use my previous example, you could type "West" and see the options:

    • Broadway Street West
    • Northwest Broadway
    • West Broadway

    Does that make sense? I'll submit this via the request form, thanks.

  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion

    Right, we're talkin about a smart lookup that returns options from the drop-down when any part of the option is typed.

    Typing ''Mason" suggests "John Mason" where is presently the user must type 'John' and Smartsheet suggests John Mason. 

    This is characteristic of the search function within smartsheet, we also get these kinds of smart suggestions while typing information into report builder or when creating a filter. 


This discussion has been closed.