IF AND Formula to auto populate a checkbox


I am creating a report that references another sheet. I would like to know if a person from a certain organization attended a training. The formula looks at 2 different columns from the other sheet. One of the columns has the name of the organization, the other column indicates if they were in attendance. In my report I want to look at those 2 columns and if they were in attendance, I want my checkbox column to auto populate. This is the formula I created but get the "Unparseable" error message:

=IF(AND({IFRP Partners Attendance Range 2}, "Centro Romero", {IFRP Partners Attendance Range 1}, "In Attendance", "1, "0"))

Any assistance is appreciated.



  • J Tech
    J Tech ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Marilu,

    =IF(AND([IFRP Partners Attendance Range 2] = "Centro Romero", [IFRP Partners Attendance Range 1] = "In Attendance"), 1, 0)

    • The AND function checks if two conditions are met: if the organization name in column [IFRP Partners Attendance Range 2] equals "Centro Romero" and if the attendance status in column [IFRP Partners Attendance Range 1] equals "In Attendance".
    • If both conditions are true, the formula returns a value of 1 which will check the checkbox. If one or both conditions are false, the formula returns a value of 0 which will leave the checkbox unchecked.


    J Tech

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  • Marilu M
    Marilu M ✭✭✭

    @J Tech I updated the formula and now I am getting a "#Invalid Data Type" error message. I should note that the 2 columns where I am trying to pull information from are Text values.

  • J Tech
    J Tech ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sorry it should be:

    =IF(AND([IFRP Partners Attendance Range 2] = "Centro Romero", [IFRP Partners Attendance Range 1] = "In Attendance"), true, false)


    J Tech

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