How do I make a pie chart with 100% of percentage of de data?


Hello! I am trying to make a pie chart, but the sum of the percentages is always 99% or 101% for example. How do I solve it? It seems it doesn't have a tool that corrects an uneven number.

Best Answer

  • Anson Cheung
    Anson Cheung ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Smartsheet would round the percentage off. There is a scenario where the value after the decimal of all numbers are less than 0.5 (in your example, 0.13, 0.15, 0.48 & 0.24), which would result in sum of percentage being 99%. In order to workaround this, you may want to derive the percentage by yourself in a metric sheet. For example,

    After that, add the pie chart based on the figures you derived.


  • Anson Cheung
    Anson Cheung ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Smartsheet would round the percentage off. There is a scenario where the value after the decimal of all numbers are less than 0.5 (in your example, 0.13, 0.15, 0.48 & 0.24), which would result in sum of percentage being 99%. In order to workaround this, you may want to derive the percentage by yourself in a metric sheet. For example,

    After that, add the pie chart based on the figures you derived.

  • Leticia DP

    Thanks a lot! Yes, I guess Smartsheet doesn't do that automatically, so I will have to do it manually.

  • altenwerth

    Depending on the tool you're using and the number of decimal places displayed, the percentages might be slightly rounded. For instance, the sum of several slices might show as 99% due to rounding down on individual percentages.
    If you have a category that wasn't included in the data used to create the pie chart, it wouldn't be represented by a slice. This could make it seem like the percentages don double-check your data to ensure all categories are accounted for.

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