Automation of forms

Can a request be automated by creating a form so that the status (submitted, in progress, completed) be automatically sent back to the sender?


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @Vinton Douglas

    I think you are asking if a notification can be sent back to the request originator when the status changes?

    If that is correct, then yes. (Assuming you captured the originator’s email address upon submission)

    In your automation manager you will create an automation triggered when rows are added or changed. Select the Status column. I would check the box for Any value. If you want any and all status changes, this will accomplish that so scroll down and choose Alert someone (which is a notification). Select Created By or whatever column has the email address. Select the appropriate columns to send and write the email verbiage. Once saved you’re done

  • Thanks very much Kelly, this works wonderful.

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