Looking to compare two dates to create an Integer value across sheets


I am looking to create a tracker that tells me the quantity of samples that arrived in the estimated time against the actual time. My thought process was you have two date columns Date Column A (estimated date) and Date Column B (actual date). I would in my raw data sheet create a link to Column B first than compare that to Column A, if the difference was a positive integer it would count as 1. And the formula would run for all of the product families with sample orders.

The formula I made looked like this


I did not want to have this count in the same sheet as the date data as the sheet is already quite large and I want to reduce redundant information. This data will eventually end up in a graph anyways so its really just a feeder middle sheet that this formula will be used in.

I hope I made my problem easy to understand, if not I am happy to try to clarify more.

Thank you for any help!


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