Looking for a formula, to add the total of an invoice column, with a criteria from another column

I have 2 columns, one the Invoice Amount & Location.

I want to be able to calculate the total of the Invoice Amount Column, with a criteria in the Location Column

Hope that makes sense

Many thanks


Best Answer

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @mhockey,

    You would use a formula like this to calculate the total (using location "A" as an example):

    =SUMIF(Location:Location, "A", [Invoice Amount]:[Invoice Amount])

    If you wanted to do this as a small table, you can substitute the "A" with a cell reference instead, such as in this example:

    =SUMIF(Location:Location, [Location for Totals]@row, [Invoice Amount]:[Invoice Amount])

    Sample data and output:

    If you had additional criteria (for example, adding a date range), then you would use a SUMIFS formula instead, which would mean a slight change in the ordering of criteria.

    Hope this helps, but if you've any questions then just post! 😊


  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @mhockey,

    You would use a formula like this to calculate the total (using location "A" as an example):

    =SUMIF(Location:Location, "A", [Invoice Amount]:[Invoice Amount])

    If you wanted to do this as a small table, you can substitute the "A" with a cell reference instead, such as in this example:

    =SUMIF(Location:Location, [Location for Totals]@row, [Invoice Amount]:[Invoice Amount])

    Sample data and output:

    If you had additional criteria (for example, adding a date range), then you would use a SUMIFS formula instead, which would mean a slight change in the ordering of criteria.

    Hope this helps, but if you've any questions then just post! 😊

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