Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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PDF proof not displaying correctly

edited 04/04/23 in Smartsheet Basics

This has happened to me twice now. I upload a proof for review and page 2 of the PDF does not display correctly. Other pages are fine. Very odd. It has happened in 2 separate files displaying different elements. Please see the screenshots. The first, tinted image is incorrectly displayed in Smartsheet. The darker image is what it looks like in Adobe Acrobat. Notice the top dimension is not tinted, but the side dimension is. The original art was created in Adobe Illustrator and saved as PDFs.

Any thoughts?


  • Community Champion

    Hi @iidave

    I hope you're well and safe!


    If you haven’t already, I recommend submitting a support ticket through the new Smartsheet Support Portal.

    I hope that helps!

    Be safe, and have a fantastic week!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    Did my post(s) help or answer your question or solve your problem? Please support the Community by marking it Insightful/Vote Up, Awesome, or/and as the accepted answer. It will make it easier for others to find a solution or help to answer!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • Hi @iidave

    Do you have a 'multiply' effect on any of those layers/groups?

    I just had a similar thing happen proofing from InDesign. I found that if I apply a 'multiply' effect to objects and then group them they won't display properly. But if I leave them as individual objects, or apply the effect to a group of unaltered objects it will display correctly.

    On a related note, my background color was accidentally turned to 'multiply' as well, and despite being 100% opacity, and an individual object on a white art board, it was displaying in the proof as significantly lighter.

    Hopefully some of that helps you too.

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