Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Desktop App - Single Click Copy Link

Howdy. Really enjoying the Desktop App - it's freed up my browser to handle browser-centric tasks.

A quick request for the application; it would be super helpful to have a single-click means of copying a link or url. Clicking the File dropdown and selecting "Copy Link" creates a lot of air across clicks. If it's too cumbersome to shift the interface, a keyboard shortcut would also do the trick.

Additionally, while I'm posting, the biggest opportunity with the app is establishing the ability to create another instance and allow for multiple tabs / sheets to be set up side-by-side or across monitors. I'm still heading to the browser for this need; would be great to eliminate the use of the browser altogether. Piggy backing on the point above as I'm sure this has been flagged by others in separate threads (I'll upvote those posts after a search).

Thanks for the efforts of the team!

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