Sharing a dashboard with separate worksheets

BlazorSaddles ✭✭
edited 04/14/23 in Smartsheet Basics

We have 7 manufacturing lines, each with their own sheet for tracking line metrics. Each line needs a dashboard. Is it possible to share a common dashboard across the lines. I don't want to maintain 7 separate identical dashboards.


  • Ryan Sides
    Ryan Sides ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Badges!?! We don't need not stinking badges!

    Yeah you can do this. Just point your dashboard to the right metrics sheets.

    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

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  • If I understand you correctly, you are saying to change the sheet reference, but isn't that only in the development environment? These dashboards are to be used by Sr. managers. They will want to have one dashboard and be able to "point" it to the specific line's sheet on-the-fly. Maybe a dropdown box with the line sheet names to select from?

    NOTE: This is my first day using SS, so please excuse my ignorance.

  • Hi @BlazorSaddles

    If I'm understanding you correctly, you'd like to have one Dashboard that's dynamic so whoever is looking at it can select what Project they want to see data for and have it automatically adjust to bring in the correct information. If so, this is currently not possible in Smartsheet Dashboards, but please do add your vote and voice to this Product Idea thread!

    In the meantime, you would need to create 7 separate Dashboards, each looking at their own Project sheets. I would recommend having one top-level "overview" Dashboard across all projects, then you can use an Image Widget to link out to the individual Dashboards (perhaps with an image on the individual Dashboard that says "Back" which links to the overview one).

    You could also just have one Dashboard with many sections (different headers) and duplicate data. You can use copy/paste across Dashboards to duplicate widgets, or Save as New to copy an entire Dashboard (then update the source data for each widget).



  • Ryan Sides
    Ryan Sides ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @BlazorSaddles I second @Genevieve P. suggestions!

    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

    Come Say Hello!