IF Formulas and multiple contact list

I am creating a workflow for a group of people and I want to assign roles when a specific cell (i.e. Doc Type) has been selected. However, I use the formula:

=IF([Doc Type]@row = "ABC", "Sahand", IF([Doc Type]@row = "ABCD", "Jamie"))

However when the results only show my name within a text format instead of a contact.

Is there a solution to this problem?

I have heard I can create a master contact sheet, but seems to be difficult to replicate with no visual guidance.


  • Hi @Sahand

    If you're entering the formula into a Contact type of column, you can use an email address in the quotes instead of the name. This will then be an email that can be used as a contact in a Workflow or a Current User filter.

    =IF([Doc Type]@row = "ABC", "genevieve@email.com")

    Note that it won't look like a Contact, as it will display the email address in the cell instead of the contact name, but it will be functional as an email. Does that make sense?



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