Help with a formula based on conditions



I need assistance with creating a formula for the following:

  1. In the Annual $ cell, I would like the salary to automatically appear when two conditions have been met: the user provided the region (either US, CEMEA, LATAM, ASIA) AND the user has provided the Job Level.
  2. The salary should come from a different sheet (I have titled it "Reference" sheet).

First sheet:

Reference Sheet:

How can I bring the salary to the first sheet based on the region provided and the job level? Does somebody have a formula to meet this need? ex. someone at the USA in a 32-Sr Manager level would make $42, 254.



Best Answer

  • Lachlan Stead
    Lachlan Stead ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    There are a few options but it may be faster to move from a matrix to a listing - eg. level "60 - VP" would end up with 4 relevant lines. You could leave as single column with a combined description or have two columns and then a hidden column on each sheet with the role and region combined... your lookup would then be based on the hidden column value.

    Not sure if that helps?


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