Copy a row to another sheet when specified criteria are met- Not Working

I am trying to copy rows from one sheet to another and I have a few issues:

  • I want the destination sheet columns to be renamed, but when I do, the flow just creates new lines to the right of the destination sheet. Is there a way to change the names of the destination columns without altering the flow? So if, for example, column "Project" on original sheet is copied to destination sheet then I change the name of the same column on destination sheet to "Activity", I want all new rows on destination sheet to populate under "Activity" versus a new column to the right of the destination sheet
  • Linking cells does not work when copying from one sheet to multiple sheets. I have one master original sheet that has a flow to copy to 5 different other sheets depending on the codes entered on each new row. Can I link cells from one master sheet to 5 different other sheets given that there is a workflow directing the new rows to all these different sheets? I want changes made to any cell on the master sheet reflected automatically on all 5 other sheets


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I would suggest using 5 separate working sheets and then creating a row report in place of a master sheet.

    Column names must match when using copy or move row. If you want different column names, you will need to use cell linking, formulas with cross sheet references, or the premium add-on Data Mesh.

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