Formula help with multiple IF statements using DATE and WORKDAY

I am trying to calculate the date in a [Due Date] column from the [Date Submitted] based on the [Priority Level]. This is what I have and it is only calculating for the [Priority Level} = Routine. The other cells are blank.

=IF([Priority Level]@row = "Routine", WORKDAY([Date Submitted]@row, 5, IF([Priority Level]@row = "Urgent", DATE([Date Submitted]@row + 2, IF([Priority Level]@row = "Critical", DATE([Date Submitted]@row + 1))))))


  • Kaveri Vipat
    Kaveri Vipat ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi mgilkessmith 

    I hope you are doing well, 

    You can try this formula - =IF([Priority Level]@row = "Routine", WORKDAY([Date Submitted]@row, 5), IF([Priority Level]@row = "Urgent", WORKDAY([Date Submitted]@row, 2), IF([Priority Level]@row = "Critical", WORKDAY([Date Submitted]@row, 1)))) 

    I hope this works for you, please let me know if you need any other help.  

    Have a Good Day. 


    Kaveri Vipat

    Senior Associate - Smartsheet Development, Ignatiuz Software

    2023 Core Product Certified

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  • mgilkessmith
    mgilkessmith ✭✭✭✭

    @Kaveri Vipat thank you for your input. The issue is that the "Urgent" and "Critical" requests are not by WORKDAY but by DATE. How do I add both into the same formula?

  • Kaveri Vipat
    Kaveri Vipat ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi mgilkessmith 

    I hope you are doing well, 

    In your formula, you have missed closing some brackets and you are using the DATE function that is incorrect syntax because the date function should be a Year, Month, and Day so there is no need to use the DATE function and according to your condition I updated my formula so please try this one- =IF([Priority Level]@row = "Routine", WORKDAY([Date Submitted]@row, 5), IF([Priority Level]@row = "Urgent", [Date Submitted]@row + 2, IF([Priority Level]@row = "Critical", [Date Submitted]@row + 1))) 

    I hope this is useful to you, please let me know if you need any other help.  

    Have a Good Day. 


    Kaveri Vipat

    Senior Associate - Smartsheet Development, Ignatiuz Software

    2023 Core Product Certified

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  • mgilkessmith
    mgilkessmith ✭✭✭✭

    @Kaveri Vipat Thank you! This works!

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