Checked box applies formula to another row



Is there a way for when a box is checked to have the formula below automatically apply to the Health column? Basically, we only want Critical Path items that are checked for the below to apply to.

=IF(Status@row = "Completed", "Blue", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(), "Green", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-7), "Yellow", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-14), "Red", "Gray"))))

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • Scott Peters
    Scott Peters ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Emily T. - This is definitely doable. Let's say you have a checkbox column called MyCheckBox. Your formula would read something like:

    =if(MyCheckBox@row=0, "", IF(Status@row = "Completed", "Blue", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(), "Green", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-7), "Yellow", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-14), "Red", "Gray", )))))

    For checkboxes, checked=1 and unchecked=0. You can also use true/false, like this:

    =if(MyCheckBox@row= false, "", IF(Status@row = "Completed", "Blue", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(), "Green", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-7), "Yellow", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-14), "Red", "Gray", )))))

    I hope this helps!


  • Scott Peters
    Scott Peters ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Emily T. - This is definitely doable. Let's say you have a checkbox column called MyCheckBox. Your formula would read something like:

    =if(MyCheckBox@row=0, "", IF(Status@row = "Completed", "Blue", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(), "Green", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-7), "Yellow", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-14), "Red", "Gray", )))))

    For checkboxes, checked=1 and unchecked=0. You can also use true/false, like this:

    =if(MyCheckBox@row= false, "", IF(Status@row = "Completed", "Blue", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(), "Green", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-7), "Yellow", IF([Estimated Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-14), "Red", "Gray", )))))

    I hope this helps!

  • Emily T.
    Emily T. ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks so much, Scott! This was exactly what I needed!

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