SCC: Do all my intake sheet columns have to contribute to Profile Data?

Hello everyone,

My team currently uses a form that populates an intake sheet. The form consists of key project data, as well as just some check-list items to make sure they did their due diligence before turning over the project. The form is around 40-50 fields long, and only around 10 of those columns I would consider "Profile Data". Can I just leave the other 30-40 columns untouched? Or do I need to re-evaluate how we use the intake sheet and the form? What would be the best practice?

Thank you,

Best Answer

  • Ryan Sides
    Ryan Sides Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You don't need to use all of them as profile data. When you setup your blueprint in SCC, in the Profile Data Selection screen, just leave those extra fields unchecked. You also don't need to list them in your metadata sheet (if you have one).

    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

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