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IF Statement Help

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts



I am new to Smart Sheets and apologise in advance if this is a simple question...



I have a sheet that is updated via a Web Form and i would like to have a Job Status updated depending on a few conditions:

IF the Operator is equal to Unassigned then the Job Status is Unassigned

IF the Operator is not equal to Unassigned then the Job Status is Assigned

IF the Completion Date is not blank then the Job Status is set to Completed

IF the Operator Assigned is blank then the Job Status is Blank


I can get the first part of the IF statement to work, but i cannot get the final 2 stages to work, my current syntax is as follows:

=IF(Operator_Assigned1 = "Unassigned", "New Request", IF(Operator_Assigned1 <= "Unassigned", "Assigned"))


Any help is much appreciated on this.





  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    =IF(AND(Operator__Assigned1="Assigned", Completion=""), "Completed", IF(Operator_Assigned1="Unassigned","Unassigned", IF(Isblank(Operator_Assigned1),"", IF(Operator_Assigned<>"","Assigned"))))

    This should do the trick. Let me know if you have any issues with it. 

  • Hello Mike,


    Thank-you for the help.

    I am getting the results of #UNPARSEABLE, I'm not sure what this means?



  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I use the following link to troubleshoot errors in formulas: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2476176-formula-error-messages

    According to the UNPARSEABLE error, I would look to make sure the column names are accurate. If you've added spaces in any of them, surround the name in brackets like [Column Name]1 

    One thing I notice too is that I may not have the same number of underscores in your operator assigned column title. Double check that those are the same as what you have in your actual header and add or subtract from the ones I gave you, as necessary. 

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