Importing data


I have a question. I have multiple sheets that feed into a report. The sheets have projects in them with actuals and remainder of year forecast. the data feeds into the report. At the end of the month that months actuals are loaded. Currently, the actuals are loaded on the report and pushed down to the individual sheets. We populate the actuals either by copy and paste or manually keying the amounts on the report. Are there any suggestions as to a way to import the actuals into the report? Just trying to eliminate a step in the process that can result in errors. It will take too long to open each sheet and load the actuals. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Best Answer

  • Ken Armstrong
    Ken Armstrong ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    You should look into Data Shuttle The premium app add on. It can do all the things your looking for and be completely automated. I utilize data shuttle daily and all I do is attach our actuals excel sheet to the Smartsheet and its grabs the actuals and populates it in the correct cells based on our unique identifier (PO Number). You could use your project code. As long as the mapping is correct in the data shuttle it will eliminate human error. You might want to reach out to your account rep from Smartsheet and see if they can give you a free demo.

    Ken Armstrong

    Smartsheet Operations Analyst, Carelon Medical Benefits Management

    Certified Smartsheet Administrator

    Be Firm! Be Fair! Be Friendly! Be Honest!!!


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