Display contact names instead of email address

I have a Smartsheet with a contact field. When that field is used to populate a document, it ends up displaying the contacts email address, when I'd prefer it display their name. See the attached image. I'd like the Approved by to display as: "Calvin Krusen". Note that the Submitted By field is just a generic text field and not a contact field.


  • Kelly P.
    Kelly P. ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    You could use a helper column with the formula =[Contact Column]@row. This will turn your contact into text and then you can reference that new column in the Approved By cell within the document.

    Hope this helps!

  • Deric
    Deric ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think the best way to do this is to create a sheet that holds all of your contacts and reference that sheet. For example I have a contact sheet that has the following columns (plus a few more specific to my needs): First Name; Last Name; Full Name; Email; Smartsheet contact.

    Only the "smartsheet contact" column is a contact column. Then you can use a formula to get the value that you want, e.g., index/match.

    The smartsheet contact field is useful in many cases, but it can also be very frustrating.

  • ckrusen
    ckrusen ✭✭

    I ended up making another column named ApprovedByName, which is a column formula of

    =[Approved By]@row

    Then using the ApprovedByName field in the PDF mapping.

  • Ban
    Ban ✭✭✭

    I tried the ApprovedByName recommendation above but it still shows the email instead of first and last name.