Sheet permissions issue

Does anyone have suggestions on getting Admin access to a sheet without being an Admin? I did a lot of R&D on PM software and helped to inform using Smartsheet. The company wants to keep things uniform across the different groups but that means no one has Admin privileges, only editor privileges. Among the many frustrations with the limitations, I cannot create workflows that involve my team members. Can only create workflows that notify myself.

Is there any way to "mirror (for lack of a better term)" a sheet in a workspace folder in my personal sheets folder so I can make the workflows desired? Any thoughts on a workaround?


  • Etienne Mermillod
    Etienne Mermillod ✭✭✭✭✭


    Simply ask for admin permission like temporary or ask the admin to create the workflow/automations for you ?

  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Ryan Finney

    Hmm tricky one.

    I understand the need for conformity and understand why the business has made a decision to lock all collaborators to Editors, to ensure consistencies of columns, names and behaviour expected from the sheets etc. But in doing this, I would say that there needs to be a mechanism for you to request updates to the templates to make them "usable" in the field.

    Creating linked sheets will be time consuming and will open up the potential for the wrong versions of the sheets to be updated following a workflow from a sheet outside of the scope of the shared platform.

    Are you unable to get the Admins on the solution to add your required workflows for you? Is it not that simple?

    Sorry there isn't a better answer...

    Kind regards


  • Ryan Finney
    Ryan Finney ✭✭✭

    I am working with them to try and get it in place. Thanks for the responses!

  • Ryan Finney
    Ryan Finney ✭✭✭

    Just wish there was some sort of in between where they could keep the things locked they want but still allow for some individual oversight really.