Smartsheet Downtime Policies/Procedures

Erin Kim
Erin Kim ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 06/07/23 in Just for fun

Does anyone have policies/procedures in place within their company for when Smartsheet has a downtime? Just looking for some best practice ideas. Thanks!


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Erin Kim

    Currently we do not but we are heavily invested in SmartSheet for our company. I use their status page to stay updated when things aren't working for me:

    For the most part, services aren't down very long in my experience. SmartSheet uses Amazon servers so they're usually up. We've been all-in with SmartSheet for a little over a year now. We've had minimal job interruptions. I can only think of 2 or 3 days where we had small outages for an hour or two but only with portions of SmartSheet and maybe 1 day where all of SmartSheet was down I think for most of the day.

  • Erin Kim
    Erin Kim ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Mike TV Thanks for your response. We are a hospital system so we need to plan for these possible events! You never know :)

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Erin Kim

    A lot of the things SmartSheet can do can also be done in Google Sheets. Forms, etc can also be created there. There isn't an "offline" version of SmartSheet quite yet.

  • Tim Starkey
    Tim Starkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sorry for jumping on an old thread, but it seemed the most relevant. I am wondering how everyone else's experience has been with downtime on Smartsheet. I agree with prior comments that for the most part it's been stable and up, and outages are short. But it does seem like the incidents have increased recently. Also, there are "hard outages"... the kind that make the status site... then there are soft outages... reports not loading, can't login for a while, etc., that don't make the status site. It seems like there are 3-4 hard outages/month (some are only components of Smartsheet)... but we seem to experience soft outages a couple times a week.

    I also have a cohort of users who are mildly "anti-cloud", and love to send me screenshots of when Smartsheet isn't loading, error messages, etc.

    Anyways... are we outliers?

    Has there been any discussion on an offline version of Smartsheet?

  • scot tupper
    scot tupper ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Tim Starkey As we close out July I can tell you, that we have been experiencing outages more frequently for us it's been certain premium apps. Can't say that any of it is Amazons fault, but rather patches and updates breaking things. Just found this URL if you want to see outages past the 30 day window.

  • Erin Kim
    Erin Kim ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/23/24

    @scot tupper

    I think the outages have been terrible and really have a strong impact on all our service line workflows within the hospitals.

    I agree with Tim Stakley too. The outages are defiantly more frequent then that used to be. I think they roll out updates after hours, but some clients operate 247 so it interferes with things. I would imagine Smartsheet would figure out a way to assist with this since it is a heavily used tool that people depend on. Our send out some type of notifications of .. we are doing this.. this could happen .. be prepared.

    A lot of my users have to go to pen and paper and hope to capture their changes and updates that way when there is a Smartsheet downtime.

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