Completely stumped on this formula


I'm trying to be able to identify when an upsell comes through for a specific function. But so far everything I've tried hasn't worked. The sheet I want the information to show up on isn't the sheet that has the data so I have to reference a separate sheet. But basically what I'm trying to do is: =IF(AND({Customer Name} = Customer@row, {Document Type} = "Upsell", {Item Purchase} = "SummitIT Upsell"), "Upsell", ""). It keeps telling me invalid operation. {Customer Name} is a text field and matches the name on the source sheet, {Document Type} is a single select dropdown, and {Item Purchase} is a multiselect dropdown. I do think I need to be able to add a Contains statement for item purchase incase they select SummitIT Upsell with something else.


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