Report not pulling data


i created a report pulling in data from 8 different sheets. but, when i am adding new rows to the individual sheet, it is not visible in the report. Any idea why?

Can this be because of the filters that i have applied?


Best Answer

  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Mangesh W

    Most likely yes. Also if a column is named the same on multiple sheets but the column type is different on those sheets, you'll have some issues. I'd recheck the filters and column types and if that doesn't solve it, maybe provide some screen shots of the filters and we'll all take another look.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner


  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Mangesh W

    Most likely yes. Also if a column is named the same on multiple sheets but the column type is different on those sheets, you'll have some issues. I'd recheck the filters and column types and if that doesn't solve it, maybe provide some screen shots of the filters and we'll all take another look.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner