Competency Framework

Hi, Thank you in advance for your help.

We have a small training organization and use Smartsheet extensively. We use a Competency Framework that we built on Smartsheet but it has some limitations. All trainees are on the same sheet, with a column for each core skill. All trainers can access this, and they rate each trainee using a simple but effective 1 - 10 rating (with a key), and make comments where necessary, this is good but each trainer changes the rating based on their assessment at that time. The most current rating is displayed on a dashboard using graphs and reports. We would like to capture each trainers rating for each core skill (which would change as trainees progress) and average it across all trainers and then display the current average ratings for each trainee.

Kind Regards, Peter


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @peter65516

    Not knowing your sheet or data input process, I'm not sure if it would be necessary to move rows to another sheet (using built-in smartsheet automation) or if you could capture all the data in your current sheet. Each entry would be its own row, thus no trainer overwrites someone else's data.

    A report can then gather the data per trainees and summarize the average. This report would be the source for your dashboard.

    Would this work for you?


  • peter65516
    peter65516 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Kelly, thank you for this, the copy or move automation has got me thinking.

    Ideally the data entry by the trainer would be done in a sheet or report because a web form may be too isolated in terms of what they can see to compare with others e.g. what previous rating they have given each trainee or what ratings they have given other trainees for the same skill set.

    I am wondering if pre loaded rows in a Master sheet, for each trainer, under each trainee, which would feed off to a report for each trainer, where they could update their assessment records. All trainers ratings could then be averaged in the Master Sheet s and displayed on a dashboard. Do you see any fish-hooks in that plan?

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @peter65516

    Again, not seeing sheets, I'm speaking off the top of my head...

    I wondered how your master sheet was pre-loaded? If you meant a per-trainer, or per-trainee, or per skill, that is straight forward with a report. Depending on your smartsheet license and your access to premier apps, pivot app might be useful to you as this would convert the data automatically to a sheet. I typically generate a report of all data columns in my master sheet and use that as a source sheet for the pivot app. this allows me to filter data freely into the pivot app.

    Averaging on the master sheet could be painful as you will need a way to call out each trainee and each core skill, then bring this to a dashboard. A report will do this automatically and will remain evergreen as more trainees and more skills are added,

    I hope this helps. Hopefully more of the community will weigh in with suggestions

