How to use a form to fill in a sheet with pre-determined "Primary Column" fields?

I need to build a form that will fill out the sheet shown below. The "Workstreams" column is a pre-determined list of Workstreams; I just need my customer to be able to provide the info in the rest of the columns for each of those Workstreams. I am hoping there is a way to do this without having to duplicate the columns over and over again on my end. Is this possible?



  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/29/23

    Hello ValerieQ,

    Forms are intended to create new rows in your grid. If you want each person to select a workstream, and then enter details which will create a new row; that is possible. If you want the current rows to be updated via a form entry; that is not possible.

    If you have multiple people that will enter details for any one workstream, the result will be multiple rows with the same workstream listed.

    Sounds like you will have multiple entries for each workstream. I wouldn't add more columns. Instead I would allow the multiple rows to be created, and then use Sheet Summary Fields or a separate "helper grid" to capture your counts/metrics.

  • @Ray Lindstrom thank you for the insight!

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