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Request to Add Search and Filtering to Single-Select Dropdowns in Dynamic View

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to bring your attention to a usability issue we are facing within Dynamic View. Specifically, we have observed that when dealing with single-select dropdown fields, users are required to manually scroll through a long list of options to find the desired one. This becomes particularly problematic when the last option needs to be selected from a list of approximately 250 options.

To enhance the user experience and improve efficiency, we kindly request the addition of a search and filtering functionality for single-select dropdowns in Dynamic View. We have attached a snip to illustrate the desired feature, which would allow users to type and filter options directly within the dropdown list. This is curretly available only if the dropdown field is set to multi select.

Implementing this enhancement, already available for multi-select dropdowns, It would greatly benefit our workflow and reduce frustration associated with extensive scrolling if that feature is enabled to single select too. We appreciate your attention to this matter and eagerly await your response. Thank you for your consideration and prompt action.

Best regards,

Gokhula Krishnan

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