How do I remove the link to the sheet in an update request

We send update requests to outside vendors with a request to update specific columns but we don't want them clicking on the sheet link and asking for access. I have seen a Smartsheet update request without the sheet link. How is that done?


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/11/23


    In your Update Request Automation settings, in the "Message Includes" section, select "Message only"

  • hello Ray,

    That appears to be an "Alert Someone," not an Update request. Am I missing something?


  • I need to get rid of that "go to sheet"

  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/12/23

    Oh yes, you're quite right. I clicked on the wrong automation when researching for you. Sorry about that.

    On the Update Request Automation, you can't get rid of the link to the sheet. You can only define which fields, if any, to display.

    Only people with Editor access (or above) can be requested to make an update via automation. The theory is that since they have access to the underlying sheet, they can have a quick link to the sheet in case they want to see more info before making their update. Or they may prefer entering on the grid instead of via email. Or multiple lines require updating, and they want to make sure they're entering the correct info on the correct line.

    Just throwing out some use cases for why it would be handy to have.

    Unfortunately you can't opt out of providing that link.

    You could always submit a Product Idea if you think having the option to exclude it should be a feature.

    All the best,


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    @Ray Lindstrom

    "Only people with Editor access (or above) can be requested to make an update via automation. The theory is that since they have access to the underlying sheet, they can have a quick link to the sheet in case they want to see more info before making their update. Or they may prefer entering on the grid instead of via email. Or multiple lines require updating, and they want to make sure they're entering the correct info on the correct line."

    This isn't accurate. Anyone that receives an update request can fill it out regardless of their access to the sheet. I use this pretty frequently to update rows from outside sources that I don't want to have access to the sheet itself.

  • Paul, do you agree that you cannot get rid of the sheet link? Outside users keep asking for sheet access and I don't want them to have it. BTW when the update is sent to Gmail the link is not displayed.

  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Paul. When I went to test for myself, I received an error message. Wish I had taken a screenshot, so I could go back and try to replicate. I've just gone back to confirm, and you're absolutely right that you can send update requests to users without access to the underlying sheet.

    I still believe that you cannot remove the link to the sheet though.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
  • It's a shame it's not an option. Thank you for the clarification.

  • Tate Forgey
    Tate Forgey ✭✭✭

    Of all the good things in Smartsheet, and there are a lot, there are many things that just leave me scratching my head.

    If I wanted to send a link to the sheet I would send a link to the sheet. If I wanted to list out the specified fields I would send an alert. Either be smart enough to know who has access to edit the sheet and remove this data from the email if they don't or (preferably) remove it altogether since that is not the point of an update request in the first place.

    The concept of an update request is a great (and core) feature in the app, but this makes it a lot less attractive and useful for me. Please change.