Automation - Moving to a row to a new sheet once a date has passed



I need help with some automation. I want to move a row to a new sheet once 2 weeks have passed. This is due to a report we have on newly completed vs. historical completed items. Is automation based in calendar or business day?

For some reason, my automation does not consistently work. I have tried this automation:

I have also tried running this rule when dates are added or changed in the date completed filed and are not in the last 10 days. Neither of the run consistently.

Thanks for the help!


Best Answer

  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi There,

    Automation runs on calendar days. If you would like for the row to be moved 10 days after the Date Completed, your trigger would be "When a date is reached", after the "Run Once" dropdown, where you have a dropdown for "On", change it to "2 weeks after" and select your "Date Completed" in the Date field as you've already done.

    There's no need for any conditions here as the workflow will work only 2 weeks after the date added in the Date Completed field. If there's no date or if the date is within 2 weeks, the workflow won't even run.



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  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi There,

    Automation runs on calendar days. If you would like for the row to be moved 10 days after the Date Completed, your trigger would be "When a date is reached", after the "Run Once" dropdown, where you have a dropdown for "On", change it to "2 weeks after" and select your "Date Completed" in the Date field as you've already done.

    There's no need for any conditions here as the workflow will work only 2 weeks after the date added in the Date Completed field. If there's no date or if the date is within 2 weeks, the workflow won't even run.



    Reach out for any help on licenses, configuration, or training

  • Stwillis

    This worked, thank you!

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