Auto populate End date based on the start date.

Hello all,

Need some help in auto populating the end date based on the start date mentioned in the smart sheet form, is this possible? If the start date is today then the end date should be 30 days out.




  • Itai
    Itai ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Karthik Kaliappan,

    You can add 30 days in a formula.

    =[start date]@row+30

    It will work well if both of the columns are date columns.

    Let me know if it helped!

    Itai Perez

    Reporting and Project Manager

    If you found my comment helpful any reaction, Insightful, Awsome etc... would be appreciated🙂

  • @Itai Perez - This does work in the sheet, but I am looking for this to work in the form. When the user selects the start date, the end date should auto populate with a date which is 30 days out.



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