Status update from daughter rows

Hi Smartsheets Team,

I have a column "Status" that has mother and daughter rows.

I am wanting the mother "Status" to update when the daughter rows change.

So for example APQP would be "Not Started" until Pre APQP or MFG Plan Review is marked as "In Progress" then APQP becomes "In Progress". When BOTH are marked complete the APQP lines becomes "Complete".

Can you help me please?


Best Answer

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You will have to modify the name for [Primary Column] in the formula to match your sheet, but this should work.

    =IF(CONTAINS("In Progress", CHILDREN()), "In Progress", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Complete") = COUNT(CHILDREN([Primary Column]@row)), "Complete", "Not Started"))


  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You will have to modify the name for [Primary Column] in the formula to match your sheet, but this should work.

    =IF(CONTAINS("In Progress", CHILDREN()), "In Progress", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Complete") = COUNT(CHILDREN([Primary Column]@row)), "Complete", "Not Started"))

  • Wow thank you for your quick response - it works perfectly!! THANK YOU!

  • @Carson Penticuff

    Could you show a modified the formula, with the same idea as original poster but where children drop drop option are:

    Complete or N/A or Canceled = Complete

    Progressing or Pending = Processing

    Not Started = Not Started

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion

    @Christopher Warren

    I'm not sure I understand that logic entirely. What about situations where children have a combination of Complete and Not Started, or Complete and Progressing, or a combination of all three?

  • Christopher Warren
    edited 07/19/23

    @Carson Penticuff

    Children only one drop down value at a time.

    For example, Parent row (Real Estate) would be "Not Started" until one of the Children Rows (Pro Forma, LOI, PSA, etc) are marked as "Processing", "Pending", "Completed", "N/A" or "Canceled" then Parent row (Real Estate) would become "Processing". When all children are marked "Completed" or "N/A" or "Canceled" the Parent row is changed to "Completed".

    I have this thus far, but can't figure out when all children are either Complete &/or N/A &/or Canceled but one is Not Started? The parent shows Not Started.

    =IF(CONTAINS("Processing", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(CONTAINS("Pending", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(CONTAINS("Completed", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), OR(@cell = "Completed", @cell = "N/A", @cell = "Canceled")) = COUNT(CHILDREN(Status@row)), "Completed", "Not Started"))))

    If I use the following formula, even when all are Complete, N/A or Canceled, Parent still says Processing:

    =IF(CONTAINS("Processing", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(CONTAINS("Pending", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(CONTAINS("Completed", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(CONTAINS("N/A", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(CONTAINS("Canceled", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), OR(@cell = "Completed", @cell = "N/A", @cell = "Canceled")) = COUNT(CHILDREN(Status@row)), "Completed", "Not Started"))))))

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion

    Give this one a try:

    =IF(CONTAINS("Processing", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(CONTAINS("Pending", CHILDREN()), "Processing", IF(AND(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Completed") + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "N/A") + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Canceled") > 0, COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Completed") + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "N/A") + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Canceled") < COUNT(CHILDREN([Primary Column]@row))), "Processing", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Completed") + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "N/A") + COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Canceled") = COUNT(CHILDREN([Primary Column]@row)), "Completed", "Not Started"))))

    Your column was calling anything containing completed as processing, regardless of other selections. You also mentioned "progressing" in your first post, but use "processing" in the formula in your last past. I used "processing" in this formula.

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