Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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PMO Template-- Archiving Projects

edited 07/21/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I have begun setting up/ using the PMO template. I am wondering if there is a way to archive old, completed projects so my project-level folder stays organized but the data is still available. Thanks


  • Community Champion

    What is the overall structure? I personally use an "Active Projects" workspace and an "Archive" workspace and move the individual project folders as needed (click and drag or archiving through Control Center depending on the exact setup).

  • ✭✭✭

    Hi @Paul Newcome, We are working through setting up the structure of how we want to use PMO. Currently, I am adding our large projects into this format, but we have not officially moved over to using this template yet. My thought is to have an "active", "on hold", and "completed/ archived" folder.

    My only concern with creating folders like this is that once I put a project in the folder, I can't seem to move it out of the folder/ it does not give me the option to drag or move it elsewhere.

    We do not have control center.

  • ✭✭✭

    @Paul Newcome ----I figured it out:) Still getting the whole Smartsheet functionality down... Thanks for your help.

    I put a screenshot for any other newbie's that may need help.

  • Community Champion

    You do have to be owner of the item(s) as well as the location you are trying to move it to.

    I generally use separate workspaces so I can create more efficient reports for my dashboards and whatnot. If you are referencing an entire workspace in your report, new sheets are added to the report automatically as they are added to the workspace. This is not the case when you are referencing a folder.

    This will allow you to create (pretty easily) portfolio level reporting because you can filter on sheet names such as "sheet name contains metrics" to group all active projects' metrics sheets together into a report, group by lower level such as region, then use the reports summary features to show your aggregated metrics across all active projects.

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