How can I automate reoccurring reminders to begin on a variable date?

I am trying to automate reminders to reoccur once every three days, starting 3 days after a funding approval deadline has been missed.

Right now, I only see the option to start recurring reminders on a fixed date, instead of a variable one.

Aka I can set it up as "Send reminder once every three days starting on August 7th". Instead I want to set it up as "Send reminder once every three days starting on the first day deadline X is missed"

Where x depends on when the funding request was submitted and can change, hence its variable.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Try putting this in a date type column then setting your automation to run based on the date in this new column:

    =[Submitted Date]@row + (TODAY() - [Submitted Date]@row) + (3 - MOD(TODAY() - [Submitted Date]@row, 3))

    It should output a new date every three days. As the date displayed moves into the past, it should update to the next "3 day" mark.

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