RAID Log Date Value Locking per column when status changes

Hello everyone, I have tried to find the best answer for this but I see too many threads and different responses. If anyone could help as I am new to this.

I am only looking to lock in a date value on 2 columns whenever there is a status change, from when an issue is raised and then resolved.

I know there is a record a date automation but that would only work for the date opened columns and not the resolved one? Am i correct in that? Perhaps there is a conditional format or function i may need to use.

I have seen someone talking about using a lock formula method but it is quite confusing to me

Would anyone be able to advise on this?

Thank you !! 

Best Answer

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jsantos

    For the record a date automation option, it can work for both if you have separate date columns for when the row was raised and resolved. For each you'd set it for when the row was changed to the relevant status and have the automation record the date in the appropriate column.

    You can also set a row lock automation if you wish (though be aware that the sheet owner & admins can still edit the line).


    Obviously your sheet will have more columns, but the accompanying automations for this would be:

    If rows are being created when raised only, you can also used the system generated "Created date" column, and similarly you can use the "Modified date" & slightly modified lock automation if you wanted date time (changed the condition to the status being resolved).

    Hope this helps, but if you've any questions etc. then just post! 😊


  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jsantos

    For the record a date automation option, it can work for both if you have separate date columns for when the row was raised and resolved. For each you'd set it for when the row was changed to the relevant status and have the automation record the date in the appropriate column.

    You can also set a row lock automation if you wish (though be aware that the sheet owner & admins can still edit the line).


    Obviously your sheet will have more columns, but the accompanying automations for this would be:

    If rows are being created when raised only, you can also used the system generated "Created date" column, and similarly you can use the "Modified date" & slightly modified lock automation if you wanted date time (changed the condition to the status being resolved).

    Hope this helps, but if you've any questions etc. then just post! 😊

  • Jsantos
    Jsantos ✭✭

    thank you very much for your help! this worked !!

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    No problem, happy to have helped.

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