Field locked without being locked?

I'm have a sheet that tracks all the work taking place in my department. I set up an automation so that every Wednesday at 8am a request for update is sent out to every manager who has team members with work assigned to them.

One of the fields that an update is requested for is percent complete. For the past couple months, it has worked great but today the field is locked and cannot be edited in the request for update. The column isn't locked on the sheet it's only locked on the update request.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

  • Kyle Adkins
    Kyle Adkins ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Just answered my own question. For work that has actual project schedules I'm pulling percent complete from those gantts.

    In case anyone reads this and has the same question I had. Linking a cell locks it down and it can't be updated via update request.


  • Kyle Adkins
    Kyle Adkins ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Just answered my own question. For work that has actual project schedules I'm pulling percent complete from those gantts.

    In case anyone reads this and has the same question I had. Linking a cell locks it down and it can't be updated via update request.