Report Help Needed - Mileage recording for multiple people/entries mobile report issue

SSParks ✭✭✭✭
edited 08/29/23 in Smartsheet Basics


The park district where I work has a healthy adventures program where people can enter mileage earned in different categories and groups (via SS form). So the same person (and I don't know who they are in advance bc it can be anyone) can enter multiple entries throughout the year. John Doe entered 15 miles of running on Jan 1, 20 miles of walking on Feb 5, 12 miles of skiing on Aug 12.

I created a report to group by primary column (that column being a combination of last name , first name columns) that totals the mileage type or group (running, walking, etc) Report works great via computer browser

When viewing the report via mobile it comes up to a blank page. then the users has to select the boxes to the middle top (button on right) to another blank page, then refresh to see all entries not grouped.

Any suggestions on how I can present this information better to the people who submit the data and would like to see totals on both web and mobile devices? Thanks for any info!

