Simple Request Intake & Tracking

I like to use the Simple Request Intake & Tracking for action items that occur during a meeting, but are not part of a specific project, just organization throughout the year on a committee. If I have multiple meetings I am a part of, is there any way to roll these up to a type of Portfolio like the Project Management Office Portfolio?


  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @ReNae Smith

    Yes, but it depends on what you want rolled up as to how you do it.

    You could utilise the Sheet Summary Pane for simple statistics, utilitising the Summary Report type to get those stats into a chart on the dashboard.

    You could add some Row reports with grouping and summarising added (like the Open Request by Department report in the template set) which could group and summarise on different columns. These could either feed charts in your dashboard or be added as an embedded report (like the ones already in place in the template set).

    You could set up a metrics sheet that uses cross sheet referencing on formulae containing COUNTIF() and SUMIF() type functions to summarise columns and then you can add them all to your dashboards using Metric or Chart widgets.

    Hope this helps.

    Kind regards
