Calendar view


I've automated a vacation request form; and I see Calendar view in smartsheet, however it only shows the first day instead of all days when the employee is out of the office. Is there a way to show all days in the calendar view that the employee will be out? Thanks.


  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Eberto Pallares

    Hi, it depends how you have set up your sheet. If you have a Start Date and End Date of the vacation and you enter multiple rows per employee (one row per vacation request) then you can go into the little cog (settings button) in the top right hand side of the view to update the settings.

    If you have set up the sheet with more than 2 date columns and are updating only 1 row per employee filling out extra date columns for each vacation request, then this will not plot in a calendar view.

    Kind regards
