Access to Smartsheet

Do you need a Smartsheet license to view sheets, reports, or dashboards?




  • Courtney S.
    Courtney S. ✭✭✭✭✭

    Not necessarily, you can use the "allow anyone" publishing options that allow anyone with the URL to see your content. Look at this help article: Publish a sheet, report, or dashboard | Smartsheet Learning Center

    Of course, this means the content is not protected at all, so you may need another solution to protect your data. We make most of our organization's members use free Smartsheet accounts to see content, so that we can grant access to content to only specific users.

  • Heya! Just jumping in here to clarify a little further 🙂

    View Only Access - any Smartsheet account:

    • You can Share sheets to any Smartsheet account (licensed/paid AND unlicensed/free accounts) with View-only access. See: Share a Smartsheet item

    Editing Capabilities - depends on plan type:

    • If you're on a Pro Plan and you want those collaborators to Edit those sheets as well as view, then yes, they'll need to have a license on your plan to make changes to those sheets (see: Sharing and widgets in the Pro plan)
    • If you're on a Business or Enterprise plan, you can share sheets with unlicensed/free members and they can edit those sheets, depending on the permissions you give them.

    Public items (no Smartsheet account needed)

    However, if you want to show Smartsheet content to someone who doesn't have any type of Smartsheet account (licensed or unlicensed) then @Courtney S. is correct!

    • Business and Enterprise plans can Publish their sheets to make them public for anyone to view, like a web page URL. Does that make sense?



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