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Set default text for a given cell



  • If default value ever become available, I have an additional request: to make them conditional.  Such a feature would make possible a "working with" option, so that if I'm working with, say, the Calcutta Project, values in the Project field for new rows get set to "Calcutta." 


    I've long wanted a "working with" option that filters out data from all projects except the one I'm working with and associates any new rows with the project I am working with.  If anyone knows of other ways to accomplish this, I'd be glad to hear about them.

  • add my vote for this functionality as well

  • add my vote as well. 

  • +1 for me. This is exactly what I wanted to do too. 

  • Please add my vote and also provide an update on this functionality.  I would like to add a default to several columns in my grid.  Like status to default to Not Started and % complete to default to 0%.  

  • +1 vote

    This is crude and essential functionality that would be a real time saver and quality improver for any project - even SharePoint has default values :-)

    I have submitted support ticket no. 03104734 on this matter as well.

    To be honest I am very surprised that a tool like SmartSheet does not have this facility.

    Would be great with some sort of feedback on if an when this will be implemented.



  • Vincent
    edited 12/05/18

    +∞ votes

    This is a necessary feature and I'm surprised that it isn't already implemented. Competitors to SS (like rhymes with Nervous Cow and She-Ra) have it. Since it's been requested since 2015, it doesn't sound like it's important enough to warrant attention by SS's development team, which is baffling. I am trying out SS over Nervous Cow right now, but as cumbersome as Nervous Cow is, this is going to hamper my transition and prevent me from convincing others on my team that SS is a viable alternative. 

    I don't mean to sound so critical. So far, SS is better in most every way, from ease of use and, at least so far, I haven't heard anyone utter my trigger, Kanban (shutter). Pre-set defaults for columns and cards though (in drop-down lists and else where) are a requirement.

    Thank you and regards, Vincent

  • mknighton
    mknighton ✭✭✭

    +1 vote for this.  I am wondering if you could do this through the API?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    re: through the API

    It depends on how the row is added. Something needs to tell the API code that a new row is added (a webhook) and then if there has never been a value in the cell, to add it.

    Some developers might just check for blanks, but that is mistake.

    You might also be able to do this using Zapier (or another automation tool) but they do not scale well.

    Note: If the row is added via a Form, I would put the default value there, not on the Sheet itself.


  • +1 vote from me to add the ability to default field values.

  • +1 defaulting values would be helping for the status field.  Otherwise, new records that have not been manually set to a status will not show up in the Card View.

  • Ben Donahue
    Ben Donahue ✭✭✭✭✭

    +1, yes please.

    I tried the =IF(ISBLANK(Primary1), ""No Status") suggestion, but that ends up with a #CIRCULAR REFERENCE error. I am trying to add a default value to a cell if that same cell is blank. On first iteration, the formula would see that the cell is blank, and add a value. Then, as the function tries to run again, there would be a value there, and then would not change the value. Once a value is added, either through this formula or through another function, I thought that this would provide a break in the function, but, alas, that was not the case.

  • +1

    This would be useful in a number of situations.



  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå Community Champion

    Hi everyone,

    Please submit an Enhancement Request when you have a moment to have your vote added

    A New Way to Submit Your Feature Requests

    To make your Enhancement / Feature Request count, send in the form above because there isn’t a guarantee, it will be registered otherwise.

    Original Post: https://community.smartsheet.com/announcement/new-way-submit-your-feature-requests

    Have a fantastic weekend!


    Andrée Starå

    Workflow Consultant @ Get Done Consulting


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: www.workbold.com | E:andree@workbold.com | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • Ramsay Zaki
    Ramsay Zaki ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I sure hope the previously submitted enhancement request carried over to your new system and you aren't asking for us to submit another enhancement request. As you can see above, I requested this back in 2016. I am currently using formulas to meet this gap but auto fill is highly unreliable.

    The fact that I cannot pur formulas as a default value in forms doesn't allow for that workaround either. 

    Another workaround would be if automation allowed us to populate/update a field based upon a trigger (i.e. when new row created, put "=if(...)" in column X). But, automation doesn't allow for that action. So, we are left with no solution here.

This discussion has been closed.