Count if all, cells contain a specific word.


I am still new to using formulas and I am hoping someone can help with finishing this one. I have an information sheet and a metrics sheet to build a dashboard off.

On the dashboard metric sheet, I am wanting to count the cells in a column ion the data sheet that contain the text "PPM" the column I am referring to is a dropdown and allows multi. Currently I have

=COUNTIF({Range 1}, [Column1]@row)

(Row cell contains the word I am searching for.)

That currently returns count for cells that only contain the @cell, not cells with multi values within them.

What is the extra part to the formula I would need? please help?

Thank you


  • Itai
    Itai ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Britt E

    Try this formula: =COUNTIF({Range 1}, CONTAINS("PPM", @cell))

    It worked fine for me but let me know if I missed anything.

    Itai Perez

    Reporting and Project Manager

    If you found my comment helpful any reaction, Insightful, Awsome etc... would be appreciated🙂

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Britt E,

    For this use a cross sheet reference to your dropdown column only and a formula like this:

    =COUNTIF({Dropdown}, CONTAINS("PPM", @cell))

    Hope this helps, but if you've any problems/questions then just ask! 🙂

  • Britt E
    Britt E ✭✭

    Thank you both @Nick Korna and @Itai , that works well.

    What could I do if I want the count to be dependant on cell value that is in another column that is just free text determined by a formula?

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You'd change the formula to COUNTIFS and add in the extra column(s) & criteria. That the other column's value is calculated rather than directly input shouldn't matter.

    If you're looking for a single text value, then you can just use "text" as the criteria, or use CONTAINS in a similar way.

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